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Le guide complet de toutes les dernières mises à jour d'Instagram

Hélène Heath
13 janvier 2017
Dernière mise à jour le
June 20, 2024
pouces en haut portant une chemise à pois

As of June 18th, 2024, this post has been updated to include all of Instagram's latest releases. 

Instagram's undergone a serious transformation since the summer of 2015. From Instagram Stories to promoted posts, you certainly should not feel bad if you're having a hard time grasping of all the latest features. Keeping up with the updates being pumped out is almost a full-time job (ours). At this frequency rate, even the most social savvy of marketers are still wrapping their heads around all the changes.

Instagram has continuously evolved with new update releases and features, reshaping how we consume images and making visual content more ubiquitous than ever. It has introduced new vocabulary and influenced aspects of our lives, from fashion and food to travel destinations

From Instagram Stories to promoted posts, the platform's endless features and updates have become second nature for social marketers. Keeping up with the constant stream of updates is almost a full-time job, even for the most experienced marketers.

In an effort to keep on top of everything, here is a full list of the Instagram updates from the time they opened up their API. 

Été 2015

  • L'application prend enfin en compte les photos verticales et horizontales. Certaines personnes étaient vraiment déçues du format carré uniquement, ce qui fait de cette mise à jour un véritable succès.
  • Après l'annonce du mois d'août, l'API d'Instagram s'ouvre officiellement au biz en septembre. À partir de ce moment, les utilisateurs allaient devoir s'habituer à voir beaucoup plus de publicités lorsqu'ils faisaient défiler leurs flux, qu'ils le veuillent ou non. Tout au long de l'année, la plateforme a également apporté des améliorations au format publicitaire, en introduisant la superposition d'annonces, les annonces de type carrousel vidéo et les annonces dynamiques. Pour tous vos besoins en matière de publicité, vous pouvez vous rendre directement sur Instagram.
  • La fonctionnalité de message direct fait peau neuve. Il devient beaucoup plus facile de partager en privé grâce à des fonctions supplémentaires et à un processus plus intuitif.

Octobre 2015

  • Boomerang: In late October, Instagram launched a separate app called Boomerang, bringing diversity to everyone's feeds and galleries. It grew quickly in popularity and has now become sort of ubiquitous. 'It’s not a photo. It’s not a gif. It’s a Boomerang.'

Février 2016

  • Switch Accounts: On February 8th, Instagram finally gave people what they wanted: the ability to switch accounts from inside the app instead of having to log out and log in every time. Social media managers the world over rejoiced and breathed a collective sigh of relief. This one was a long time coming.
  • Video View Metric: Another big change came a few short days later on the 10th. With video on the rise and more brands incorporating the format into their content strategy, the sensible folks over at Instagram determined that counting views instead of likes was going to make for a more accurate performance barometer, so they released the video view count metric. This move was met with elation from users.

Mars 2016

  • Goodbye to Chronological Feeds: Nothing could have prepared humanity for this. Instagram revealed that the app was switching the chronological feed to an algorithmic feed so that users could see the content they cared about the most, cough Facebook cough. It wasn't going to hit until a few months later, but giving fair warning was wise considering the apoplectic general response — the news was met with sheer horror, to put it mildly. Influencers panicked, while brands felt like they had been dealt a death sentence. (Breaking news: all accounts are still very much alive.)

Avril 2016

  • Extended Videos: Here we go bringing up video again. Told you it was popular. So much so that Instagram decided to extend its video length to 60 seconds instead of 13. Big jump, we know. With Vine having fully bitten Insta's dust and Snapchat being hailed as the second coming, the move was fully acceptable to make by any skeptic's standards.
  • Le mois d'avril a également été marqué par les rumeurs concernant la refonte de la page Explore. Voici ce qui s'est passé jusqu'à présent :
  • Introduction of video channels.
  • Introduction of topic and interest channels.
  • Introduction of event channels.
  • Introduction of Stories on Explore.

Mai 2016

  • New logo: Instagram changed its logo. A "new look" is what they called it (somewhere Christian Dior is rolling over in his grave). This update was met with, um, contention. Folks were not too keen on the new design, with some industry professionals taking it upon themselves to draw other suggestions. People seem to be over it now.

Juin 2016

  • New algorithm: The algorithm is fully live and users are finally experiencing it firsthand. It's not exactly love, but people will have to adapt, as they do.
  • Business Accounts Introduced: Around the same time, Instagram announced that they will be releasing Instagram business account tools and profiles for company accounts in the near future. This was a long time coming for many and alleviated the blow of the algorithm for some. Here's what those tools mean for brands

July 2016

  • Comment Section Moderation: In July 2016, Instagram introduced a significant update that allowed creators to moderate their comment sections. This feature was part of Instagram's broader efforts to give users more control over their experience on the platform and to address concerns about harassment and inappropriate content in the comment sections. This update enables users to filter out specific comments or entirely turn off comments on their posts.

Août 2016

  • Instagram Stories: Just one month ago, Instagram shocked the world in what was likely their biggest bombshell of a release yet, mostly because it was greatly unexpected: Stories, a feature very similar to Snapchat, where users can share photos and videos that appear at the top of user's feeds and are also accessible from the user's profile photo.
  • Comment Moderation: This occurrence piggybacks onto the end of July, but around this time, it was learned that Instagram was going to enable a comment moderation functionality for bigger accounts. That's kind of a big deal, as it leaves companies and celebs with more power over the dialogue that's created around their space.
  • Zoom: And finally, the latest news to hit the airwaves on the 31st is the release of the zoom function on posts.

Septembre 2016

  • No More Photo Maps: In September 2016, Instagram made a notable update by removing the Photo Maps feature from the app. Photo Maps had allowed users to see a geotagged map of where they had posted photos. This feature was removed as part of Instagram's efforts to simplify the app and focus more on individual posts and privacy, as Photo Maps were not widely used and raised concerns about privacy and security.

Novembre 2016

  • Shoppable posts. This is what businesses had been waiting for — this news is welcomed with a huge gasp of excitement by brands the world over. Marketers are going to need to remember to tread carefully and not forget about the platform's sensibilities and user habits once the functionality goes live. It has yet to be officially released, but brands are currently testing within the US. This is going to be a hot one to watch.
  • Instagram Stories updates: It's only normal that Instagram would continue to develop their Stories function to make it as good as possible. There was a batch of updates released in November, which included:‍
  • Boomerang: Yep, Instagram's cult favorite not-a-gif-not-a-video format was integrated into Stories. Why would they let the permanent galleries have all the fun?!‍
  • @ Mentions: People can now tag other users directly into their Stories.‍
  • Swipe up for more: This one only applies to verified accounts, but this functionality essentially enables users to attach external links to their clips to redirect their audience members. This is big time for businesses.‍
  • Vertical ad format: It's only natural that they would want to cater to that community, which is exactly what releasing vertical ads does. The portrait format certainly optimizes Instagram sponsored posts.
  • Instagram Live: Instagram Live is a function that derives from Stories, and it's simple to go live on Instagram. This means you can stream yourself talking and engage with whomever joins your live.
  • DM Instagram Stories: This was a no-brainer to implement: for all those Stories snippets that you want to send privately to certain individuals, or groups. Sharing in the moment has never been easier.

Décembre 2016

  • Saved posts: How many times have you taken a screenshot of a post to save it for future reference, only to never think of it again and clog up your camera roll? We feel you, and so do the folks at Insta HQ, cause they made a save button for users to be able to anonymously house all of those posts they're dying to revisit at a later time.
  • More Instagram Stories updates: The Instagram sprites were hard at work before Christmas, eager to deliver the goods before D-day, no doubt. Here's what they dropped:
  • Stickers: This includes the ability to pepper your Stories with emojis and geotags. Fun x1000.
  • Holiday things: This was short lived due to the timely nature of the update, but Instagram offered a special candy cane drawing brush and yuletide-centric stickers. Right on time to boost usage and engagement over the holiday period. Smart.
  • Hands-free camera: This is definitely a first for any ephemeral video platform, cough, Snapchat, cough.
  • More text options: Users are now able to write as much as they want, include as many text boxes as they want, and resize that text into any desired dimension.
  • Save your entire story in one go: From the last 24 hours, of course.Just one month ago, Instagram shocked the world in what was likely their biggest bombshell of a release yet, mostly because it was greatly unexpected. Anecdotes came into this world and left literally no one indifferent, including us. Doubly shocking because Instagram Stories are so similar to Snapchat, an observation that even Mr. Systrom himself corroborated. Side note: who else is insanely curious to know what the secret project name was when they were working on it? But I digress.
  • Cet événement est lié à la fin du mois de juillet, mais à peu près à la même époque, on a appris qu'Instagram allait activer une fonctionnalité de modération des commentaires pour les grands comptes. C'est une bonne nouvelle, car cela donne aux entreprises et aux célébrités plus de pouvoir sur le dialogue qui se crée autour de leur espace.
  • And finally, the latest news to hit the airwaves on the 31st is the release of the zoom function on posts.
instagram stories mise à jour nouvelles fonctionnalités instagram dernières
Image credit: @Instagram

January 2017

  • Business insights pour Stories. Instagram vient d'annoncer qu'il travaillait sur insights pour Stories, de manière similaire à ce qui est déjà disponible pour les personnes ayant un profil professionnel. Ces statistiques comprendront reach, impressions, replies et exits pour chaque clip individuel publié. Cela pourrait changer la donne, notamment dans la bataille Snapchat-Insta Story.
  • Annonces sur Stories. Cela devait arriver. Snapchat l'a fait, et avec Instagram qui améliore continuellement sa plateforme publicitaire, l'intégration de publicités entre les utilisateurs Stories était imminente.

Février 2016

  • Le 8 février, Instagram a enfin donné aux gens ce qu'ils voulaient : la possibilité de changer de compte depuis l'intérieur de l'application au lieu de devoir se déconnecter et se connecter à chaque fois. Les gestionnaires de médias sociaux du monde entier se sont réjouis et ont poussé un soupir de soulagement collectif. Ce changement était attendu depuis longtemps.
  • Un autre changement important est intervenu quelques jours plus tard, le 10. Avec la montée en puissance de la vidéo et l'intégration par de plus en plus de marques de ce format dans leur stratégie de contenu, les responsables d'Instagram ont décidé que le comptage de views au lieu de likes serait un baromètre de performance plus précis, et ils ont donc lancé la mesure du nombre de vues vidéo. Cette décision a été accueillie avec joie par les utilisateurs.

Mars 2016

Rien n'aurait pu préparer l'humanité à cela. Instagram a révélé que l'application passait d'un flux chronologique à un flux algorithmique afin que les utilisateurs puissent voir le contenu qui leur tient le plus à cœur, toussa Facebook toussa. La nouvelle n'allait frapper que quelques mois plus tard, mais il était judicieux de donner un avertissement, compte tenu de la réaction générale apoplectique - la nouvelle a été accueillie avec une pure horreur, pour ne pas dire plus. Les influenceurs ont paniqué, tandis que les marques ont eu l'impression d'avoir été condamnées à mort. (Dernière nouvelle : tous les comptes sont toujours en vie).

Avril 2016

  • Et voilà qu'on remet la vidéo sur le tapis. Je vous avais dit que c'était populaire. À tel point qu'Instagram a décidé d'étendre la durée de ses vidéos à 60 secondes au lieu de 13. Un grand saut, nous savons. Vine ayant complètement mordu la poussière d'Insta et Snapchat étant salué comme le second avènement, la décision était tout à fait acceptable selon les critères de tout sceptique.
  • Le mois d'avril a également été marqué par les rumeurs concernant la refonte de la page Explore. Voici ce qui s'est passé jusqu'à présent :
  • Introduction of video channels
  • Introduction of topic and interest channels
  • Introduction of event channels
  • Introduction of Stories on Explore

Mai 2016

  • Instagram a changé de logo. Un "nouveau look", voilà comment ils l'ont appelé (quelque part, Christian Dior se retourne dans sa tombe). Cette mise à jour a été accueillie avec, hum, contestation. Les gens n'étaient pas très enthousiastes à l'idée du nouveau design, et certains professionnels du secteur ont pris l'initiative de faire d'autres suggestions. Les gens semblent maintenant avoir dépassé ce stade.

June 2016

  • New algorithm: The algorithm is fully live and users are finally experiencing it firsthand. It's not exactly love, but people will have to adapt, as they do.
  • Business Accounts Introduced: Around the same time, Instagram announced that they will be releasing Instagram business account tools and profiles for company accounts in the near future. This was a long time coming for many and alleviated the blow of the algorithm for some. Here's what those tools mean for brands.

July 2016

  • Comment Section Moderation: In July 2016, Instagram introduced a significant update that allowed creators to moderate their comment sections. This feature was part of Instagram's broader efforts to give users more control over their experience on the platform and to address concerns about harassment and inappropriate content in the comment sections. This update enables users to filter out specific comments or entirely turn off comments on their posts.

Février 2017 

  • Carousels: In February 2017, Instagram gave users the ability to upload multiple posts at once in a carousel format.

March 2017

  • Save Posts: Instagram rolled out its "Save" feature globally, enabling users to bookmark posts in a private section.

Juin 2018

  • Launch of IGTV: Instagram’s long-form video platform, allowing users to upload videos up to an hour long in a dedicated app space.

July 2018

  • Question Sticker in Stories: Introduced the ability for users to post questions in their Stories that followers can respond to.

November 2018

  • Your Activity Feature: Launched a feature that allows users to track how much time they spend on Instagram daily.

December 2018

  • Voice Messaging: Added the ability to send voice messages in Direct Messages.

February 2019

  • Donation Sticker: Rolled out a donation sticker in Stories to allow users to raise money for nonprofits.

octobre 2019

  • Removal of the 'Following' Tab: Instagram removed the tab that showed the activity (like posts and comments) of followed accounts.

Mai 2020

  • Introduction of Guides: Launched Guides, a feature that allows users to share and consume curated content.

Juin 2020

  • Reels Introduced: Announced the launch of Reels in Brazil, a new way to create and discover short, entertaining videos.
  • Pinnable Comments: The ability to pin Instagram comments is available to creators. 

Août 2020 

  • Instagram lance Reels, sa réponse à TikTok.

Octobre 2020

  • New messaging features: Instagram introduces new messaging features.

Mai 2020

  • Introduction of Guides: Launched Guides, a feature that allows users to share and consume curated content.

Avril 2020

  • Hidden Likes: Instagram introduces hiding like count, aiming to reduce competitive pressure.

Mars 2020

  • Co-watching: At the onset of the pandemic, they introduced Co-Watching, which let users view posts with others during video chat.

Février 2020

  • Following Tab: New ‘Following’ categories are introduced for users profiles.

Janvier 2020

  • IGTV Removed: Instagram removes the IGTV button from the home screen.

December 2020

  • Shopping in Reels: Enabled shopping features within Reels, allowing users to buy products directly.

January 2021

  • Professional Dashboard: Launched a new dashboard to help creators and businesses manage their presence on the platform.

Avril 2021

  • Stories Caption Sticker: Instagram releases a Stories Caption Sticker, and the ability to turn off video and audio on Instagram Live.

mai 2021 

  • New Analytics: Users can now explore video performance via Reels Insights.

Juin 2021

Juillet 2021

  • Text Translation: Instagram Stories offers text translations. The app also introduces expanded data tracking on Instagram Stories.

Août 2021

  • Favorites and Following Sorting: Tested new feed sorting options to give users more control over their feed.
  • Hide Messages: Instagram lets users hide abusive messages. They also introduce the Audio Tab, so users can explore every public Reel for that specific Reels sound.  

Septembre 2021

  • Swipe-up: Selected users can use Swipe-Up Links and Map Search on Instagram Stories.

Octobre 2021

  • Expansion of Reels to 60 Seconds: Extended the maximum length of Reels from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

Novembre 2021

  • Badges: Instagram launches Instagram Badges for live videos.

Décembre 2021

  • New Stickers: Customized Link Stickers on Instagram Stories and new safety features.

March 2022

  • Enhanced Tags: Introduced Enhanced Tags to give credit to collaborators in a post more visibly.

Avril 2022

  • Need for Text-Based Features Identified: Business magnate Elon Musk attempted a takeover of Twitter, leading to discussions at Meta about enhancing Instagram's text-based features.

May 2022

  • Digital Collectibles: Started supporting NFTs, allowing creators and collectors to share digital collectibles on their profiles.

Décembre 2023

  • Threads for EU: After a delay due to privacy concerns, Threads was launched in the European Union.

February 2023

  • Quiet Mode: Launched a new feature to help users focus by pausing notifications and setting status to inform others.

April 2023 

  • Pinning Posts to Profile: Allowed users to pin posts to the top of their profiles to highlight their favorite shares.

June 2023

  • AI Moderation Tools: Expanded testing of AI-powered moderation tools to improve content safety on the platform.

juillet 2023

  • Meet Threads: Meta Platforms launched Threads, an online social media and networking service closely linked to Instagram. Threads is designed for real-time conversations and sharing, providing a similar experience to Twitter.

Août 2023

  • Threads for Desktop: Meta launched the web version of the Threads app.

January 2024

  • Stricter Message Settings for Teens: Enhanced features to provide safer online interactions for teenagers.

February 2024

  • Expansion of Creator Marketplace: Enhanced the creator marketplace to facilitate more collaborations between brands and creators.

March 2024

  • New DM Features: Added features like message editing up to 15 minutes after sending and the ability to pin up to three chats.

April 2024

  • Stickers in Stories: Introduced new stickers in Instagram Stories to enhance interaction.

May 2024

  • Feed with No Ads or Suggested Posts: Allowed users to view feeds only from followed accounts, without ads or suggested posts.

June 2024

  • Reels Editing Features: Launched new editing features for Reels to increase creative flexibility, such as split and speed controls.

The sequence of changes at Instagram can pretty much be pinpointed back to one specific moment in time. No, not being purchased by Facebook — It actually took years for major fundamental things to happen after that acquisition. It was last summer's unlocking of the API that opened the floodgates to phase 2.0.

Some users had been clamoring for this kind of change for a long time. And by that I mean all of those using their accounts for business, not mortal folks like you and I who enjoy cute puppies and memes. While brands were grateful for this free image vehicle and finally embracing Instagram as a legitimate marketing channel — heck, even made a priority by the most clever — one pretty major obstacle remained.

Instagram was not equipped to get the consumer (follower) from cruising through images to being able to actually interact with brand product outside the app. No active links, no direct way to purchase, no official entity collateral on profiles — not to mention, nominal ad opportunities. But since 2017, the app's been making huge strides in showing some love to brands that have embraced it as a part of their marketing arsenal. The series of major updates that have been rolling out fairly steadily since 2017 have all proved to be somewhat of a show of support to the companies that are investing in Instagram. While it took a minute for Instagram to begin toying with the functionalities that benefit businesses, it appears as though they are hearing brands loud and clear and making huge efforts to bring them value — without compromising user experience.

Amplify Your Brand on Instagram with Dash Hudson

Dash Hudson’s Instagram Insights offers brands the ability to plan, schedule, post and publish their content — plus, social teams can pull in meaningful performance updates about how their static posts, Reels, Stories and campaigns perform. Plus, Dash Hudson's Content Performance Prediction determines which visual content from your asset library has the best chances of performing, so you know you’re always sharing the best content. Along with this, Content Segmentation lets you create custom categories and report on specific groups of content, so you can pinpoint which campaigns and content types (think UGC or even AI-created content) are performing best.

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