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Everything To Know About Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

John Beaton
July 8, 2024
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purple vector image to represent ai marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing has transformed how brands engage with consumers. It has created new avenues for fine-tuning strategies, tapping into creative intelligence and streamlining marketing operations. AI’s ability to process and analyze large datasets efficiently — far faster than the human mind — is becoming indispensable for crafting personalized consumer experiences. In an era where consumers crave authenticity from brands, AI has the potential to help brands show up in marketing as the most relatable versions of themselves.

This blog covers the following:

  • What is AI marketing?
  • How to use AI in digital marketing.
  • Measuring AI performance.
  • How AI intelligence is used in marketing.
  • Pros and cons of AI for marketing.
  • What AI market size looks like.

Qu'est-ce que le marketing IA ?

AI marketing encompasses a wide range of technologies that parse data and automate decision-making, which helps marketers save time and focus on the most impactful tactics. Recently, AI has come to the forefront of brands’ consciousness with the rise of machine learning algorithms and generative AI social media tools. This technology lets marketers gain deep insights into consumer behaviors and preferences, which enhances the customization and effectiveness of social media campaigns. In essence, AI marketing helps brands achieve greater efficiency by automating tasks, which lets them accomplish more with fewer resources. This is especially valuable for social teams, which are often quite lean. 

What Are the Four Types of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing?

Artificial intelligence in marketing can be segmented into four specific types, each playing a crucial role in enhancing marketing efforts and solving common challenges faced by social media managers.

  • Task Automation: This type involves automating routine tasks such as scheduling posts, re-balancing social media ads and curating content. Task automation helps free up time for social media managers, allowing them to focus on more strategic activities like engaging with their audience and creating eye-capturing, entertaining content.
  • Machine Learning: Machine learning algorithms analyze consumer behavior, predict social media trends and personalize content. By learning from past data, these algorithms can forecast what content will perform best and suggest adjustments to marketing strategies in real-time.
  • Stand-alone Applications: These AI-driven tools are designed for specific marketing functions without the need for integration into larger systems. Examples include tools like chatbots for customer service or image recognition software that helps brands monitor and manage their visual content on social media.
  • Integrated Applications: Many existing marketing platforms have integrated artificial intelligence to provide a seamless experience for the end user and social teams. They enhance capabilities like customer support, sentiment analysis, CRM systems and customer data platforms by adding advanced AI functionalities to help refine and optimize marketing campaigns across different channels.

How To Use AI in Digital Marketing

Marketers need to consider several factors before adopting AI, especially which AI features work best for their team and comply with privacy regulations. Choosing the right AI tools is an involved process and brands must ensure seamless integration with their workflows to drive results without disruptions.

Familiarize Yourself With Privacy Laws

Marketers should be well-versed in relevant privacy laws and regulations. Most notably, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to all brands operating in the European Union (or globally). There are also local regulations like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which all have nuances in how customer data must be handled. Compliance is crucial to avoid legal penalties and maintain trust with audiences—a slip-up here could be bad news for your brand’s reputation.

Establish Goals

AI can seemingly do anything, but it is not magic. The best way to get results with AI is to set clear, measurable goals to guide your adoption. These goals should be directly tied to your overall business objectives and could range from using AI to increase your average Instagram engagement to improving the personalization of your email marketing campaigns. Specific goals might include boosting conversion rates by a certain percentage or reducing customer service response times through the use of AI-powered chatbots. By defining what you aim to achieve with AI, you can better select tools that align with these objectives instead of adopting a tool and not knowing what to do with it.

Research AI Tools

Choosing the right AI tools is paramount to accomplishing your goals. Start by researching available AI technologies that are specific to your brand’s needs. Look for AI resources that are renowned for their reliability or have clear use cases that are supported by strong customer reviews, case studies and testimonials. Of course, you always have the option to trial different things to evaluate which ones work best for you. As the AI landscape is evolving rapidly, it’s beneficial to consult with industry experts or join forums and networks to get firsthand insights into how tools are shaping up. Finally, your chosen tool should not only fit your immediate needs but also have the ability to scale with your business as it grows and the AI industry as technology evolves.

Measuring AI Marketing Performance

AI in marketing can greatly enhance your overall strategy, but how do you actually measure its effectiveness? Measuring performance requires a structured approach. Here are key methods for evaluating AI marketing success.

Define KPIs

Establish KPIs that align with your marketing goals and detail which AI tactics you’re using to achieve those goals. Common KPIs include conversion rates, customer acquisition cost and return on investment. Determine which metrics are most meaningful and relevant to your goals. For example, have you cut back on time spent resolving customer issues with AI-powered conversational commerce tools like chatbots? Perhaps received better scores on customer-facing surveys due to AI tools? These are things to consider when defining what success looks like to your brand. 

Analyze Data Quality and Integration

Evaluate the quality and integration of your data sources. AI models rely on accurate and comprehensive data to deliver insights. Assess how well your data is being collected, cleaned and integrated across different marketing channels. This will ensure you’re measuring the efficacy of your AI strategy with little oversight. 

Monitor Engagement Metrics

Track engagement metrics, like engagement rate and effectiveness rate to understand how your audience interacts with AI-driven content. Metrics such as click-through rates, time spent on a page and social media interactions can provide insights into the effectiveness of personalized recommendations and targeted campaigns.

Evaluate Predictive Accuracy

Finally, measuring the accuracy of your AI models is important. This involves using social media analysis and comparing predicted outcomes with your actual results — did a predictive AI tool determine a piece of content would perform well? Your team should measure the prediction against the actual engagement rate of the post. High accuracy means the AI is effective at understanding and responding to consumer behavior, which makes your marketing strategies more efficient overall.

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

AI has numerous applications in marketing, with many more use cases being discovered as brands have more time with developing AI platforms. Some examples include:

ai generated image of heinz land from heinz instagram account
Image credit: @heinz

These technologies show AI's capacity to transform marketing strategies by providing more personalized, engaging and effective consumer experiences. For social media managers, AI  can autonomously handle routine inquiries, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.

Pros and Cons of Using Artificial Intelligence for Marketing

While AI has many advantages, there are also some drawbacks to consider — while it’s amazing tool to help convenience, save time and help you come up with creative solutions, it’s certainly not a one-size-fits all tool. Here are some pros and cons of AI marketing: 

AI Marketing Pros

Integrating AI into marketing strategies brings many benefits for brands. Here are a few key advantages: 

  • Enhanced Personalization: AI allows for deeper data analysis, enabling marketers to deliver highly personalized content and offers to consumers based on their behaviors and preferences.
  • Increased Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks, AI frees up marketers’ time so they can focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their roles.
  • Improved ROI: AI-driven analytics and targeting can lead to more effective campaigns, optimizing spending and improving return on investment.
  • Scalability: AI systems can handle increasing volumes of data and interactions more easily than human teams, making scaling marketing efforts more feasible.
  • Real-Time Decision Making: AI tools can analyze data in real time, allowing marketers to make quick adjustments to campaigns to maximize effectiveness.

AI in Marketing Cons 

Despite its benefits, the use of AI in marketing also poses several challenges that can impact its ability to deliver results. Here are some notable drawbacks:

  • Complexity in Integration: Implementing AI technology can be complex and resource-intensive, requiring significant investment in time and capital to get it right.
  • Skill Gap and Accessibility: Sophisticated AI tools require specialized knowledge not all marketing teams possess.
  • Privacy and Ethical Concerns: AI's ability to collect and analyze vast amounts of data raises privacy issues and ethical concerns about data security and copyrighted materials.
  • Dependence on Data Quality: AI's effectiveness relies heavily on the quality of the data fed into it. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate outputs and decisions.
  • Potential for Misaligned Outcomes: Without careful oversight, AI can produce poor results that aren’t aligned with your audience's preferences and what they’re looking for, which can potentially harm your brand's reputation.

What Does Artificial Intelligence Market Size Look Like?

The artificial intelligence market is experiencing exponential growth, reflecting its increasing integration across various industries. According to Statista, the global AI market is projected to reach approximately $184 billion by the end of 2024 and is expected to grow to nearly $1.8 trillion by 2030. This rapid expansion is indicative of the significant investments being made in AI technologies and their broad applications, from healthcare to automotive and, notably, marketing.

In marketing, specifically, AI is becoming a critical element in driving innovation and efficiency. As reported by Zion Market Research, AI in the marketing sector alone is poised for substantial growth. The market was valued at around $15.84 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.5% from 2023 to 2030. This surge is fueled by the increasing demand for AI-powered solutions to common problems marketers face.

Save 10 Hours a Week With Dash Hudson’s Vision AI

Dash Hudson's Predictive Vision AI tells you in advance which image or video will perform best with your audience, so you are always maximizing your social media exposure. This Content Performance Prediction tool enhances content planning and provides strategic recommendations, allowing marketers to save up to 10 hours a week and allocate more time to meaningful creative endeavors.


How will artificial intelligence support in making better marketing decisions? 

AI supports enhanced marketing decision-making by providing precise, data-driven insights. This allows marketers to develop more informed strategies that are responsive to evolving consumer needs and market conditions.

How is AI changing marketing?

AI is redefining the marketing landscape by automating operations, personalizing customer interactions and optimizing content for higher engagement. This shift not only boosts the efficiency of marketing efforts but also elevates the overall consumer experience.

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