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Four Ways to Keep Your Team’s Facebook Strategy Efficient

Gillian Proudfoot
October 23, 2020
Last Updated On
Abstract architecture with a wet walkway

15+ years after its inception, Facebook is still as important as ever. Used by 88% of 18-29 year olds online and 84% in the 30-49 year range, Facebook is an integral part of any digital strategy that aims to target those key demographics. With social teams being asked to juggle more duties, multiple channels, and a plethora of other initiatives, it’s crucial to balance an understanding of your Facebook performance with the ability to easily deep dive when needed. Incorporating smart planning and structure from the start will ensure you and your team are maximizing your time and staying agile. Below are four key ways to craft an efficient Facebook strategy, resulting in more time for creativity and staying ahead in a competitive marketplace.

1. Identify Your Most Important Metrics

Facebook is a different beast than other social channels. It has its own user behaviors and excels where some other channels do not. Copying and pasting your key performance indicators from Instagram over to Facebook will result in a square peg, round hole situation and won’t quite capture the current status of your account. Recognizing the metrics your team should focus on as KPIs is essential. While on Instagram your team might focus on average engagement rate, Facebook might have total engagements or even link clicks higher up in your rankings. Taking a bit of time to clearly set metrics specifically chosen for your Facebook strategy will make aligning with your overall digital strategy a breeze.

2. Set Goals

Now that you have decided which metrics are the chosen ones, it’s time to set goals. While it’s important to understand the industry standard, your goals need to reflect your account’s past performance and sync with where you want to focus your energy. It is always great to have high standards and expectations, but nothing is more demotivating or leads to team disengagement faster than an unrealistic or completely unattainable number. Reviewing your main metrics over the last year or six months first, and then deciding on goals (and even stretch goals for a little extra push), will give you a clear understanding of where you currently stand, where you could be, and the numbers that (with a little extra savviness) you could hit.

3. Content Check-Ins

We all know that content is a key part of hitting your social marketing goals. Content on Facebook has changed over the years, and it’s hard to know where to start when assessing your content strategy. On Facebook, the simple concept of “do more of what works and less of what doesn’t” can make a huge impact. Looking at your top-performing posts within a specific timeframe will likely surface overarching trends. For example, you might find that your top posts are mostly product shots or model shots. Ramping up the frequency of that type of content can move you closer to your goals. Dash Hudson customers love to utilize our “Find Similar” button to quickly reverse search a high-performing image and find owned or earned content that’s in the same vein to incorporate into their publishing calendars. On the flip side, looking at the lowest performers from that same time period is crucial as well. Assessing the content that is not quite up to par will always result in time-saving adjustments that let you shift effort to creative that matters most. Slow down the frequency of low-performing posts, or remove them from your rotation altogether—refining your content can maximize results over time.

4. Consistent Reporting

A social channel like Facebook can sometimes lead to reactive vs. proactive reporting habits. When a performance dip is noticed, a campaign needs to be reported on, or the entire market has an unexpected shakeup like 2020, teams are frantically pulling CSVs and creating reports. This type of social reporting will always happen at some rate, but incorporating a proactive view into your strategy can reduce the amount of reactive reporting. Whether it’s weekly, monthly, or whatever cadence suits your strategy, a consistent check in of your account and content health will hone your reporting process, give you a better understanding of your account status overall, and detect performance dips or spikes early on, giving your team the opportunity to be agile and adjust as needed.

These days, no team has time or brain power to waste on an inefficient strategy and process. Dash Hudson’s Facebook Insights gives teams the tools they need to have a refined, agile, and efficient strategy.

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