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How to Streamline Your Pinterest Posting Strategy

Alison Chan
April 27, 2020
Last Updated On
October 30, 2023
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Pinterest isn't just a social media platform; it's a realm of discovery, inspiration, and creativity. Whether you're exploring travel destinations, seeking fashion cues, or hunting for the perfect DIY project, Pinterest is your visual guide. Given its massive base of over 335 million monthly active users who spend an average of nearly 15 minutes per visit, Pinterest posting offers a golden opportunity for brands to expand their digital footprint.

However, to truly capitalize on this potential, a well-crafted Pinterest posting strategy is crucial. Pinners are planners, after all, so if you're aiming to keep them engaged, you've got to plan right back. A pivotal component of this strategy is understanding what to post on Pinterest to resonate with your audience.

Key Insights for a Stellar Pinterest Posting Strategy

Before you dive into the world of Pinterest and hit that 'publish' button, it's vital to have a strategic approach in place. Consider the following four main steps to ensure that your content not only resonates with your audience but also amplifies your brand's presence on this influential platform.

1) Volume and Variety in Your Content Calendar

When deciding what to post on Pinterest, variety is your ally. While creating unique content for Pinterest is essential, brands can also repurpose material from other channels, be it Instagram or e-commerce content, to campaign assets — the sky's the limit on Pinterest.  With tools like Dash Hudson, Multi-Channel Scheduling and filling up your Pinterest social media content calendar becomes a breeze. An insider tip: leverage seasonal moments, as the longevity of Pins tends to outlast posts on other platforms.

2) Engaging Content is Key

Titles and descriptions are more than just words; they're your first interaction with the viewer. Employ relevant keywords and hashtags in your pin descriptions to boost visibility. With the advent of Pinterest Video, extend the user journey by transitioning from static images to engaging videos.

Pro tips from Pinterest on how to master your video strategy: make it useful and inspiring, carefully select your cover image, use a square or portrait aspect ratio, try adding text overlay, and last but not least; keep it short and sweet (aim for 45 seconds to 2 minutes)

3) Timing Your Pins

Pinterest gives you more flexibility in experimenting with your content. Compared to Instagram, Pinterest is much heavier in quantity. We found that our brands had a diverse range of strategies when it came to finding the best time to post on Pinterest and the frequency. In comparison to Instagram, where brands are very focused on time of day and posting “x” amount of times per week, Pinterest allows you to post whenever, wherever without hurting your engagement over time.

A common challenge brought up at the dinner was bandwidth. 'How do we find the time to post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, AND Pinterest?'

A few best practices from our community: Schedule half an hour of free time in your calendar to publish Pins. Repurpose those lookbook images your creative team sent you this week or those new product shots from the shoot you had earlier. Busy week? Don’t sweat it. Missing a week without Pinning won’t drastically tarnish your performance metrics, compared to a platform like Instagram.

4) The Power of Experimentation

Pinterest allows you to play around with your Pinterest posting strategy, enabling you to post more frequently without the fear of diminishing returns. This platform is especially potent for organic teams aiming for ROI, given that the link clicks associated with Pins offer actionable insights into user behavior. To learn more about this topic, visit our guide to measuring Pinterest Analytics.

To deepen your understanding and hone your Pinterest posting strategy, delve into tools that offer insights into Pinterest Analytics. By grasping the nuances of what to post on Pinterest and when, brands can truly harness the platform's potential

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